Which Pikler Triangle to buy UK

Which Pikler Triangle to buy - UK?

Are you confused by the sheer number of different Pikler Triangles available to buy in the UK? That is understandable given the range of prices and quality that is available. 

Pikler Inspired Triangle in Grey finishPikler Inspired Triangle in Natural Wood FinishPikler Inspired Triangle in Pastel Rainbow colours

There are a number of points to consider before making your purchase: -

  1. Safety - is your child going to be safe when using the Triangle
  2. Price - what exactly are you paying for
  3. Size - is it age appropriate
  4. Accessories - can you buy a ladder, slide or arch to add to the set
  5. Storage - does it fold down for easy storage
  6. Design - will it compliment your home and provide interest to your child

Lets think about each of these in turn...


1. Safety

Unfortunately, we do live in a world where risks are around us all the time. As adults we learn to evaluate those risks and consider which are worth taking and which are not. When it comes to young children they don't yet have the life experience required to keep themselves safe. As parents we are continually making decisions to keep our children safe. In order to do this we look out for guidance to help us make the right decision. In the UK we have safety standards in place that ensure products for use by children are safe and suitable for their intended use.

When it comes to Children's toys placed on the UK market, these are governed by a Europe-wide toy safety standard, EN71 which covers the safety of all toys sold in the UK and within the European Union.

The EN71 standard includes specific requirements for mechanical and physical properties, flammability, and chemical properties, as well as certain requirements for electrical toys. The standard applies to all toys intended for use by children under 14 years of age.

With regard to climbing equipment it ensures that the equipment is stable and avoids dangers such as trapping of fingers or limbs.

When looking to buy a Pikler Triangle or similar piece of equipment you should ensure that it is tested and meets EN71 standards. If it does not have this conformity, you cannot be sure that it has been tested and your child will be safe using it.

Unfortunately many of the Pikler Triangles advertised in the UK do not meet these standards.

Our Pikler Inspired range fully meets and exceeds these standards. You can be confident in the safety of your child when using our range to help in their development.


2. Price

In the UK there are a wide variety of prices for Pikler Triangles. When considering the safety of your child, be wary of the cheaper triangles as they may not have the build quality or safety features of more expensive triangles. As with any type of product better materials, construction and finishing all cost more.

We have all experienced at some stage in our lives the down side of buying cheap, being disappointed then the product we have purchased breaks very quickly. 

Is this a risk that you feel is worth taking with your child's safety?

When you consider each individual component of a Pikler Triangle; the frame, the rungs, the screws and fixings, the painting, the cost of sustainably sourced materials and the time taken by a craftsperson to actually make each of those parts it is not a cheap product to make. 

Add to this the cost of testing and shipping, in order to ensure that you are buying a quality, safe product for your child you should expect to pay up to £300 for the very best quality.


3. Size

Pikler Triangles come in a variety of sizes, it is important to consider the appropriate size for the age and capability of the child using the Triangle.

For a younger child who is trying to pull themselves up for the first time a taller Triangle may be rather daunting. Choosing a smaller Nursery size Triangle gives sufficient scope to encourage the child to stand, but does not over stretch them. 

The size of course also is related to the height of the the child. We all come in different shapes and sizes, this is true of babies, toddlers and children of all ages. You may wish to go for a Triangle that gives scope for a child to climb as they get older and develop their confidence. 

Integral to the height is the safety, the Triangle must of course be tested to EN71 standards which check the loading and forces required to tip over the Triangle. If it is not EN71 certified then you cannot be sure the Triangle will not tip over when a child is climbing it.

Consideration also needs to be given to the size of the rungs. Smaller rungs make it easier for a younger child to climb, not just pull themselves to standing. Although at first thought this may seem a good thing, consider whether it is appropriate for a very young child to be climbing. First they need to master standing and balance. After they have mastered these first steps in the development of their gross motor skills, then climbing is the next step, but this must all come at the right time. With slightly larger rungs it means that smaller hands are unable to get sufficient grip to climb, only bring themselves to standing. A 30mm diameter rung or slightly larger is a good size giving a comfortable radius to grip for a young child as well as proving the strength needed to support their weight as they get older and their gross motor skills are advanced enough to not just pull themselves up, but begin to climb.

An overall height of around 60cm for younger children just beginning to stand is appropriate, for those toddlers embarking on their first climb, around 70cm is better giving scope for further development.


4. Accessories

Many Pikler Triangles are sold in isolation, but many can be purchased as larger sets including items such as slides, climbing ladders and rocker arches.


When considering your purchase of a Pikler Triangle you may wish to consider buying a Triangle that has the ability to be integrated with a Slide, Ladder or Arch in future, to give further development opportunities for your child.

Be careful when choosing, as many sets have accessories that simply rest on the rungs of the Triangle. This can be a hazard as young children can very quickly develop strength that can lift a light weight ladder. 

Important is the ability to lock the ladder or slide into the rungs of the Triangle. Most Pikler Triangles on the market do not have this capability and inherently can be a danger to trap small fingers.

Ladder locking into Triangle


Particularly good are sets where you can purchase a Rocker Arch that can be linked to the Triangle with a Ladder or Slide. This gives a suspended platform that a child can use to develop their confidence around balance.

And of course every child loves a slide!


 5. Storage

A question to ask is where are you going to store this important addition to your home. Looking for a Pikler Triangle that can be folded up makes it much easier to store behind a sofa, door or even slide under a bed.



6. Design

Of course the Pikler Triangle fundamentally provides a fantastic medium to help your child develop their gross motor skills, but it also needs to function aesthetically. 

It has to be appealing to your child; some children find natural finishes tactile and interesting. Others find different colours and tones very stimulating. 

You may also wish to consider how your Pikler Triangle fits with the décor of your home. In your child's early years it is likely that you will leave your Pikler Triangle prominently available to your child so that at every opportunity they can reach out for it's support.

At Sea Green we stock 3 variations - a natural finish that will compliment any home where wood in it's natural beauty is important. 

A Pastel Rainbow version which is highly stimulating to any child.

A Pikler Triangle in Pastel Rainbow Colours

Finally a Grey version that will compliment the most sophisticated of home décor.

A Pikler Triangle in a Gretton Grey finish


When choosing a Pikler Triangle to buy: -

  1. Safety: Make sure it is EN71 approved.
  2. Price: You get what you pay for, cheaper may not have the build quality or safety aspects that will ensure it lasts for the years you need it to.
  3. Size: Buy a Triangle that is appropriate for your child's ability and size. Smaller younger babies and toddlers, go for something around 60cm. For older, more able or taller toddlers, select a Triangle of around 70cm.
  4. Accessories: Buy a Triangle that you can expand on. Can you get a Ladder, Slide/Climbing wall and Arch/Rocker to keep your child interested and get the maximum benefit.
  5. Storage: Can the Triangle fold flat.
  6. Design: Does it compliment your home as well as stimulate your child.

Browse our range here to decide on the best size and colours for your child and home.